This is not a blog post you will want to skimm but rather take the time to hear me out. It is not often that I find apps that I really enjoy, mainly because I just get bored of them or I run into so many ads that I just end up deleting them. Side Story: I did pay for the ad-free version of Trivia Crack and almost went broke buying Pokeballs for Pokemon Go, BUT theSkimm is just one app that I cannot live without.

I discovered thSkimm about two years ago. I loved how the news was delivered in a comical and understandable way, because here’s the facts: I was a working professional and being up to date with the news was just one of those “grown up requirements” that I couldn’t get into. The news was boring to me and I think we all grew up with that mindset. Mom and Dad would turn on the news and I would just zone out and count down the minutes until Wheel of Fortune came on.  Plus, the news is SOOOO depressing. It is just one sad story after the next and a while, it just became too depressing to watch.

thSkimm changes all of that for me. It is delivered daily (think of a newspaper right on your phone) and it presents the facts with a little bit of humor behind them (obviously when appropriate). The writers include links to articles with more supporting material and present the news in a way that makes it easy for anyone  to understand what the heck is going on in this world.

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I downloaded the app on my iPhone and made the quick decision to subscribed to it. I pay $2.99 a month and I am not sure really why I pay for it LOL, because I think you can get it for free either on their website or via email. But again, just like Pokeballs, the price is justified by the enjoyment and knowledge I get from the material. My Mom always says, “you can never put a price on education” but I am pretty sure we get a bill each month for my student loans… soooo still trying to figure that one out (insert shoulder shrug emoji). But  really… I think one of the perks that I get from subscribing, are these cool calendar notifications you can customize to things that interest you.  You can choose from The Big Stuff, which is like world wide events like elections, Superbowl, solar eclipses, etc, or politics, entertainment, sports, and/or  business & tech. I also acess to get their newest addition to the app called “Skimm Notes.”  These are quick 5 minute audio clips diving deeper into current events or trending topics.

theSkimm makes my mornings complete and allows me to take a quick break between meetings to catch up on reality. It also allows me to stay up to date on current events and become a pro at this thing we call “adulting” xo