growing up

First off, let me start this post, saying how happy I am that Real Housewives of Beverly Hills AND Vanderpump Rules are back on (they are TV shows for those who tune out reality TV).  And then, let me add how this blog post has been inspired by a quote from Erika Girardi aka Erika Jayne of RHOBH. Let me also add, that the women of Beverly Hills are my favorite housewives, with the Real Housewives of Orange County following right behind. I believe these woman are actually some of the hardest working women on reality TV and are the biggest hustlers, besides Bethenny Frankel, in the market.

With the holidays wrapping up and everyone being on their best behavior during family functions, we are slowly counting down the days till 2018. A New Year! And for those of you that have been reading my nonsense for the last 3 years (thank you!), you know how I feel about New Years resolutions. If you don’t, take a time out and catch-up.

There are a lot of things that I cannot stand, probably more than the normal person. But if there is one thing I cannot stand, it is the phrase “I’m just kidding.” It’s a phrase that I return with a shifted body position, squinted eye glare (similar to Satan’s), and a slightly puckered lip, to the person who muttered it. Oh, and let’s add in the bunched brows for the full effect. WAM! I cannot stand when people tell me this and Erika Jayne hit it right on the head (as I want to do when people use this phrase)during  the first episode of RHOBH that aired on December 19th.

“There is a drop of truth in all kidding. That is how you get away with shit” – Erika Jayne

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I couldn’t of said it better myself! The phrase “I’m just kidding” is like whiteout for when you say something that you quickly realize you should of never even opened your mouth to utter. It is like a quick way to apologize, by not really apologizing. But Erika is totally right, there is a drop of truth is all kidding, because you wouldn’t of said it if you hadn’t thought it. Right? I mean really, let’s pause for a second and think about the last time you said that phrase to someone. Was it to a friend who you were trying to subtly drop a hint about the ridiculous outfits she wears? Or to a family member for an obnoxious joke they make every year at the dinner table? Did you say “I’m just kidding” after your aggressive “joke”? Or did you own “your drop of truth and stick by your true intentions? More than likely, you ducked, ran for cover and awaited my evil eye glare.

So now, I am going to make a New Years resolution for you to do AND to keep, so that I have some sanity in my life moving into 2018. Yes, you read that correctly, I am telling you what your New Years resolution will be for 2018. Surprised? Let’s keep going… I want you to first start catching yourself when you use that phrase and write it down. Whether it is in your iPhone, on a Post-It, or even on your hand, and keep a tally. Reflect at the end of the week and look at how many people, you could of potentially hurt, if you hadn’t added “I’m just kidding” to the end of your sentence.  Was it a lot? A little? Or none at all? Then I need for you to think about how you would of delivered “your drop of truth” better to this person. Could it have been a one on one sit down? Could it mean changing your views of the truth? Could it be an awakening for yourself to stop hiding behind the truths? Or could it just mean distancing yourself from people who make you think like that? While I might not have all of the answers, I do hope that when you start putting all jokes aside, you will find you being true to yourself xo

I had a pretty real conversation tonight with Brittany who waxes my eyebrows at European Wax Center (go see her, you won’t regret it – she is fabulous!) I mean as real as you can get in the 7 minutes it takes her to wax my eyebrows, but she brought up something that really got […]

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Let’s just kind of glance over the fact that it has been well over a month since I have shown any sort of movement on my page or on any of my social media outlets. Trying to lay under the radar… not really, that is not who I am. Honestly, I have just been so […]

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As I am finally getting on track with all of my TV programs, I find all of my attention focused on Grey’s Anatomy right now.  I think it is mainly because I can relate every episode and especially to one character in particular. Ellen Pompeo’s character, Meredith and I have formed a bond more than […]

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Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays, and for many reasons. I am a huge family person and I love it when families are brought together. The food is consistent every year and you know just what is to be expected. The preparation is minimal and it is a holiday that you just sit […]

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Every now and then, I get a little bored with life and try to challenge myself to do something new, or just to do something different. Sometimes, it completely backfires in my face, sometimes I learn something new and other times I just shrug it off and move on to the next new thing. At […]

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