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This review is long long long overdue, but trust me I say I can still taste the magical-ness  inside of my mouth and creeping around my belly. And really trust me when I say, I have probably only burned off three of the six cookies. I have been thinking about this review for quite some time now. I know I shared my un-boxing of the cookies on Instagram, but there is just something about my way words, that keeps you coming back for more. 

Let me start at the beginning of this “process”, because to me, that is what it was, a process. Cookie Therapy only sells their cookies at 8:00 PM on Sunday. It is when the flood gates of heaven open and where fast fingers and memorized credit card numbers come in handy. But hold on, I am getting ahead of myself.  

When I first heard about Cookie Therapy, it was through several of my friends’ Instagram feeds and videos. It felt like those times as a kid where a new toy pops up and everyone is talking about it, but you’re still trying to figure out how the thing even works and what purpose it serves. In your mind you secretly wanting it, without even know what it does and then that “want” becomes a “need”. So here I am, scrolling through my feed, seeing several of my friends boomeranging white boxes opening and closing. Inside those boxes were massive cookies covered in sprinkles and the size of snowballs. What I found to be funny, was that NO ONE was posting about how the cookies tasted, but rather the fact that they “made the cut” this week and got their order in. They were a part of the “in crowd.” The whose, who of Albany. The cat’s meow. 

OK, so I wanted to join this “group” but I had no idea how to start. I reached out to a friend and she explained it to me. I thought I had it figured out and then I got sucked into their Instagram feed. There were so many cookie choices and all seemed so good, but come to find out, each week the cookies change and only certain ones are offered. OK, so this was a going to be a hard concept for me to accept. As American’s we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to chose and when we have to make a decision, we are lucky enough to have TONS of choices to chose from. But now, in order to “join the group,” Cookie Therapy is pretty much telling me I have to  pay for something that I may or may not like.

… yeah OK, sign me up! Welcome to America, where we play for things we might not necessarily like, but in some messed up way, need. All I want is to be apart of the group and post a cool Instagram shot. But on serious real time, I will be interested to see how long the 518 puts up with that. Because to be honest, I enjoyed my first box so much and I had so much fun posting about it, that I was seriously considering ordering another box the following week. HOWEVER, (because there is always a “however”) I did not order my second box mainly because I only liked 1 of 6 flavors being offered for that week. That my friends is a lost sale, and lost sales eventually turn into lost customers.

But that is another story and one I just don’t want to get into, because I can already tell this blog might have to be a two part series. I am not even anywhere close to the finish. 

Week 1:  I was still unsure about this whole Sunday at 8 PM thing, and don’t ask me why because the ordering process is extremely straight forward. I think it is just my fear of committing to something. What was I committing to, I couldn’t tell ya! Long story short, I totally missed aka forgot the whole 8:00 PM ordering window, and had to go another week being “basic.”  I told myself to get my head in the game, prepare, research, set alarms, and to start memorizing my credit card number. 

Week 2:  I did my research and was pretty impressed with this week’s cookie selection. During this week they were offering the following cookies: Down & Dirty, Strawberry Pop

Tart, Loaded PB, Fluffernutter, The Lulu, and Citrus Got Real (this name was classic. Loved the creativity behind it). For your reading pleasure, I wanted to include the descriptions for each cookie (taken from their Instagram post), so your mouth can begin to water, just as mine has been ever since I started typing this post.

Down & Dirty: A dirt cup, as a cookie? We’re going there. Cocoa base, Oreos, chocolate pudding, rolled in Oreo crumbs with a gummy worm on top

Strawberry Pop Tart: Back by popular demand Strawberry Pop Tarts & white chocolate, stuffed with strawberry jam

Loaded PB: Another crowd fave making a return! Reese’s PB cups, milk chocolate & peanut butter chips, stuffed with crunchy PB

Fluffernutter: Doubling down on the PB this week because you asked for it. PB dough, Nutter Butters, stuffed with Fluff

The Lulu: The cookie that everyone knows & loves. Animal crackers, white chocolate & rainbow sprinkles.

Citrus Got Real: Lemon cheesecake dough, white chocolate, a swirl of raspberry jam & graham cracker crumbs. 

… so I am just realizing how long this post is and the end is no where in sight. I am making the executive decision to end right here, while I still have your attention and your mouths watering. Part Deuces to follow xo