I am slowly starting to understand my twenties better as I age. It’s kind of like wine, better with age…right? My twenties have been a lot of self discovery.  I have used the first half of my twenties, dreaming and planning my life. That dream included a fairy tale wedding and the man who has been there through it all. Reality sinks in and the dream becomes a nightmare, with all of my plans going out the window and a six year relationship down the shitter.

Mid-twenties were the best of times. They also were the worst.  I was making up for lost time. I was getting in 540812bf766e77cd9d36e9c4c6141c85trouble, flirting, having fun, sometimes too much fun, and most importantly I was finding myself.  I was putting myself first for a change. What did I want out of life? What were my goals, my aspirations, my dreams? I needed to ask myself that before anything else. I needed a plan, but I didn’t have one. So I did what everyone does best and procrastinated. I told myself that it would all come to me one day, like an awakening. Right?

The awakening took place all right. And lets just say that it hit like a double shot of expresso. I made PLENTY of mistakes and took PLENTY of risks. I lived life with one motto in mind, #yolo. You only live once. I did things that I probably would of never done, both good and bad. I quit a job that I was so passionate about and so dedicated to, because I let people get inside my head. I changed my lifestyle and attitude because of someone else’s dreams and goals that I soon made a priority. I lost who I had become. And no one was to blame but myself.
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At 26, I started to grow up. I was 26, not 25. The partying and the drinking and the #yolo attitude were done. Time to do what you were put here to do. Make a difference. I did not know my plan and I knew I probably never would, but I knew that the plan I had put into place by living life to the fullest was draining. It was sucking the life out of me, both mentally, physically and financially. That didn’t mean I wanted to loose who I was. I was always going to be that #yolo girl but I needed a filter. I needed to figure out what made me happy and not just happy for the moment, but happy for forever.

So I want you today to figure out what makes you happy. Is it your friends, your pet, your favorite flavor of ice cream? Or is it something simple as catching snowflakes on your tongue or sharing that first kiss? Once you do that then you know where to start your plan, because the end of anyone’s plan should end in being happy xo