

Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays, and for many reasons. I am a huge family person and I love it when families are brought together. The food is consistent every year and you know just what is to be expected. The preparation is minimal and it is a holiday that you just sit back, relax, eat and enjoy.

As each year passes and Thanksgivings come and go, I find myself really appreciating this holiday and truly understanding the concept of coming together and sharing a meal. Whether in a fancy restaurant, at a homeless shelter, or sitting at your dining room table that gets used maybe about seven times a year, Thanksgiving brings us all together and is a holiday were we all are true equals. We are all eating the same meal, sharing the same memories, and feeling stuffed at the end of the night, seriously questioning if that second piece of pie. There are no expectations, no drama, and no crazy madness of getting gifts. The amount of money that is spent during the holiday season, cough cough CHRISTMAS, is just above and beyond ridiculous.
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With Thanksgiving over, I realized this year, that my main focus during the holiday was on the idea of everyone coming together and making time. As we grow older, we loose track of time and our priorities change. We push off things like family and friends, and sharing memories together over a meal. One of my biggest goals for 2015 was to spend more quality, key word quality, time with friends and family. That means putting away the phones, focusing on the good, and creating new memories. I plan to continue this goal into 2016, because this is a goal that you can never truly achieve, but can only get better at achieving. I hope that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and keep in mind the real reason we celebrate the holidays as we journey into 2016 xo

When it comes to being there for a friend during a break up, I realized that I don’t know if I can. And it’s not that I don’t want to be there, well… after the 5th call of tears, muttered sentences and awkward silence… maybe I don’t, but I think I just suck at handling […]

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No matter what type of relationship you are in or who you are dealing with, communication is key. It is important to establish an open line of communication with friends, family members and even co-workers. However, it is not easy to do that because with communication comes emotion and a lot of the time we […]

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…And no I am not talking about the thing that you and your girlfriends always joke about going to. Speed dating is something that many single women at some point in their life experience. Speed dating is where we take the numerous dating opportunities that we have, but have just been pushing off and throw […]

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2014 was a crazy year. I reviewed that stupid photo collage on Facebook and mine did not even to begin to compare to the “behind the scene” moments that went on AKA good luck finding mine, it doesn’t exist. I am a very private person. When I begin talking to guy and hanging out with […]

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I am starting to get to a point in my life, well I think I have been here once or twice before, where I just kind of stopped giving a flying f@#k about things that really just don’t mean anything, or people that just below dirt. And that’s right, you assholes that have left me […]

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Recently, I deactivated my Facebook. I have done this before and have had a really hard time not accessing it and sticking to my “idea” of separating myself from the FB drama.  I felt as if I were missing out on a part of society, missing the drama, and feeling as if I were kicked […]

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